

Angus vs Xerxes

As I was choosing puppies I was thinking of what kind of dog I would want.  Then I realized I had to suck up to Ned and get one that would appeal to him.  Long tail, very Bullmastiff look.  Man those little "bulldog style" ones caught my eye with the corkscrew tail and the smushy face.  But Ned's got to be smitten or the dog won't stay at our house very long.  So I went for Angus who was HUGE!!! Had a long tail and bigger nose with very little white on the face.  As the time went on, Don's dog was more appealing to our family.  He was very active instead of a big slug.  Don wanted a mellow dog and Xerxes was just the opposite.  He was awake when all the others were sleeping.  He'd growl and wrestle instead of lounge on your lap.  So Don and I swapped dog's and Prince Xerses came home with us. 

Thanks to Riley, the Prince was added.  She made an astute observation that since there was a girl dog named Princess, our boy dog should be named Prince.  Not so fond of the name Prince, so we just added Prince to the front of Xerxes.  Look in the Bible for the story of Queen Esther and you'll find King Xerxes (zerk'-sees).

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