

How often am I guilty of speaking before realizing consequences.  Especially to my children.
Jeffrey R. Holland, "The Tongue of Angels," 
Ensign, May 2007, 16
"Like all gifts 'which cometh from above,' words are 'sacred, and must be spoken with care, and by constraint of the Spirit' (D&C 63:64).  It is with this realization of the power and sanctity of words that I wish to caution us, if caution is needed, regarding how we speak to each other and how we speak of ourselves.  "There is a line from the Apocrypha which puts the seriousness of this issue better than I can. It reads, 'The stroke of the whip maketh marks in the flesh: but the stroke of the tongue breaketh the bones' (Ecclesiasticus 28:17)."


Anonymous said...

Sheesh. I feel really bad about the pro-basketball comment at the girls camp overnighter. I take it back and I'm sorry. I know if you want to you could still do it. Will you still be my friend?
p.s. And no- I still don't want to be a professional ballerina.
p.p.s. (which, by the way, means: post post script) I LOVE Elder Holland. He's usually speaking directly to me. I think I'll go check out that article cause I definitly don't have the tongue of an angel. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

hey what pro basketball comment? fo-ged aboud it!

we have a pact remember, you are stuck with me FOREVER! I sure think you're great! and you would be a lovely ballerina because you ALWAYS are smiling ;)

Anonymous said...

Great thoughts will be checking back on your blog often.