

I want...comments

Why do I blog? Comments

What do I love? Comments

How do I know you like me? Comments

How can I keep up on your life by being motivated to come to your blog? Comments

Even if the comment is "your blog is confusing" (thanks Mom) or "hey, I peeked into your life today" or "you are hot!"....I would love to see it.

It only takes a second.

It's so lovely to see.

I love comments because I feel more famous than Angelina. (that's a daily competition in our house. Who does Ned love more. Me or Angie?)

Where is this movie quote from?

"Run Forrest!!!! Ruuuuuuuunnnnnn!"

That's an easy one. I'll think of an easier one tomorrow.

Ha ha just kidding about the competition. I totally smoke her.


craig&susan said...

how fun that you found me, and I"m so glad you did. You sure have a cute litle family. It will be fun to keep up with you now.

The Neads said...

I agree, nothing better in the world than comments. and I'm not event the one that blogs in my house. GO COMMENTS!!!