

Continuing great news for you Obama supporters

  • creating a generous savings match for low and middle-income Americans.

  • Obama supports public financing of campaigns combined with free television and radio time  As if we don't have enough commercials and politcal ads already
  •  But in an Obama administration, every official will have to rise to the standard of proven excellence in the agency's mission.
  • I don't want to send another generation of American children to failing schools I'll give him one pat on the back.  He realizes that gov't does a shoddy job at educating our children.  Wait a minute, if the gov't can't accomplish the simple task of educating 5 years olds, how does Obama expect the gov't to be able to fix all the problems in the world.
  • Six million middle and high school students read significantly below their grade level. A full third of high school graduates do not immediately go on to college. American 15 year olds rank 28th out of 40 countries in mathematics and 19th out of 40 countries in science. Almost 30 percent of students in their first year of college are forced to take remedial science and math classes because they are not prepared. And people laugh when I say I don't want the gov't to educate my children.  hmmmm 
  • Obama will also provide affordable and high-quality child care to ease the burden on working families.  Beacause the gov't  is a better option than parents raising children.  Because Mom's should work instead of taking care of the children we brought into this world.  Is Obama going to come to my house and watch my kids while I go out and work?  Well, that way he'll have a free pass to indoctrinating the children of US. Pretty tricky Mr Obama
  • Obama will require all schools of education to be accredited. He will also create a voluntary national performance assessment so we can be sure that every new educator is trained and ready to walk into the classroom and start teaching effectively...And if teachers consistently excel in the classroom, that work can be valued Finally!  Wow, maybe children will start learning something.  I sure wish the gov't was making sure teachers were smart enough to teach when I was in school.

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