

This explains the gash

After a hard day golfing, ya just sometimes feel like smacking your baby brother in the eyebrow with your club. Full contact golf is how we roll around here =D

Reed comes running in the house Sunday and says "You better get a band aid!" Will follows him in whimpering and gushing blood.

After we get the blood cleaned up Reed is in the bath tub with Will sitting on the toilet waiting to get super glued. Will says "Reed, you'll have to be careful because you cut my eye"

The next thing I hear is Will belting out a rousing rendition of "Scriptuer Power" He's turning into quite the singer and he is one tough buggar!

Maybe that'll teach my boys a lesson about golfing on Sunday.


The Neads said...

it's true things never go as planned when golfing on Sunday.

Unknown said...

I love that he sang scripture power, nothing like primary songs to get you through the pain!