

Be Aware...

I receive emails from a pro-Marriage group and haven't had one strike me as hard as the one I received today. So I'm sharing with my bloggerific readers. Enjoy!! I don't believe I'll be supporting the Levi brand any more. And be aware...

What’s Going On?

Have you noticed the subtle (and sometimes not-so-subtle) efforts of the gay community to insert their culture into mainstream American society?

from NY Times article

LEVI’S is getting in the spirit of the season by dressing its storefront mannequins in white. In Levi’s-owned stores in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago and San Francisco, that means more than just marking the passing of Memorial Day, the traditional date to begin wearing white: in 20 stores, the mannequins’ white Levi’s jeans and shirts are adorned with White Knots, a symbol of solidarity with the same-sex marriage movement.

Last week we discussed the twisting of the popular board game “Life” to include same-sex marriage and child rearing, as well as the online “Sims” game which now incorporates interactive gay weddings.

Why, I wonder, do they cater to the small LGBT community (ie. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) at the risk of offending the rest of society who may buy and play such games simply as a break from the cares of the world? Are these companies in the business of bringing enjoyment to their customers and making money in the process, or have they decided to become propaganda platforms?

And these children’s games are not the only area where the gay community is making its mark. Take the clothing firm of Levi Strauss & Company for example. Headquartered in San Francisco and steeped in a tradition of gay activism, Levi’s is now more in our face than ever:

• The company was quick to file an amicus brief with the California Supreme Court last fall in support of gay marriage;

• They developed a marketing sponsorship with “Milk,” the film focusing on the San Francisco gay activist Harvey Milk;

• Most recently, Levi’s has helped push the gay agenda by donning their retail store mannequins in white jeans and shirts with white knots to symbolize solidarity with the same-sex marriage movement. Their intent, according to a New York Times article in May, is to encourage customers to talk with employees who are primed to promote the “White Knot for Equality Campaign.”

Isn’t it bad enough to have a salesperson ask, “If I have your size in stock, will you buy it?” than have to dodge social issue proselytizing at the same time? Do they want my money or my vote? Are they selling clothes or gay marriage?

If the latter, shouldn’t truth-in-advertising regulations apply when they hold a sale?

We at are committed to fight the relentless push of the gay marriage agenda wherever its whack-a-mole head pops up, and we will be vigilant in standing up for the values important to our families and defending traditional marriage.

Our Protect Marriage Action Fund is now recruiting field organizers and training allies on how to speak out in favor of traditional marriage in churches, ethnic communities and neighborhoods across the state. You can find out more about this program by clicking here. Please help us by making a donation.


Ron Prentice, Executive Director

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